ADOPTED!! ADOPTED!! ADOPTED!! This spunky gal has got to have one of the most dramatic stories we’ve ever encountered. It all started in the back woods of Louisiana. I was playing with my dogs in my …
Probably one of the cutest dogs we’ve ever taken in, Humperdink is the most huggable dog we have. We adore him to no end and its hard to even believe that he came from a horrible dog fighting raid. He is quiet, loves his walks, crate trained and …
Zak is the epitome of “survivor”. It was 2011 and parts of the country saw multiple tornadoes (362 to be exact), one after the other and became the country’s worst tornado outbreak. But it was Tuscaloosa, Alabama, that was …
Poor little Cherokee. Its rough being a Pit mix in Los Angeles. And he almost didn’t make it out of the shelter alive if it hadn’t been for his guardian angel who spotted him and saved him. Since making the …
ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED Named after the Egyptian cat depicted in the magnificent tombs of royalty, Bastit symbolizes the same. This Pit Bull/Boxer mix although small in stature is mighty in heart and catlike in her mannerisms. She …
This big ole Pit Bull/American Bulldog is a real character. Upon first meeting he appears to be a very intimidating dude with that “stare” of his. But all he wants is for you to play fetch with him. Pick up …
This little babydoll is as cute as her name. This has got to be one of the most affectionate and sweetEST little dogs we’ve ever had here. Literally within minutes of being dropped off by her owners, she was playing …
Okay… can you resist this face? Talk about wanting to pinch his cheeks! This cutie pie was found as a stray in the Lancaster desert. Anyone who is familiar with the Antelope Valley terrain can vouch for how tough it …
This drop dead gorgeous guy came to us via another animal shelter. Like us, they too were surprised that no one had scooped him up. Though Junior does need to go to a Pit Bull savvy person, he is soooooo …