Join Me on Patreon
“Patreon” is my private online club. There is a monthly donation based membership. Supporters and fans can choose a level that fits their budget and all of the money is donated 100% to the dogs. Here you will have a DIRECT & PERSONAL contact to me, Tia Torres. Additionally, you will have access to unlimited viewing of my podcasts and various web-series. If you miss watching “Pit Bulls & Parolees”, then Patreon is where you want to be.
To join: Villalobos Rescue Center | Patreon

My New Network

Facebook Fan Page
TIA TORRES OF PIT BULLS & PAROLEES: This fan page is run by me. It is not just dog related but everything I am involved in. It is a public page, so you don’t have to wait for your request to be accepted.
To check it out: (20+) Tia Maria Torres of Pit Bulls & Parolees | Facebook

My YouTube Channel
To follow me on YouTube, visit: https://www.youtube.