The Meet n’ Greet aka Q & A, was originally started for the kids. Who would’ve EVER thought that we would attract so many children into our fan base so rather than have parents sit through hours and hours of my workshop, I put together this event.
Here’s how they work. The first hour is a Q & A session (questions & answers). You get to ask me questions about the rescue, the TV show, etc. Afterwards everyone lines up and one by one, I will meet each and every one of you to take a picture, sign autographs, etc. My sons: the Twins: Kanani and Keli’i usually join me for these events and trust me when I say, they are my comic relief. But this coming year, I’m so excited to announce that Earl Moffett will be joining me with his motivational lecture…The “E” Word Tour!!
Because there can be anywhere from 200 – 500 people at one time, it can take a couple of hours to get through everyone in the room but just think of all the interesting people you get to meet! But because so many people are waiting in line, the actual meeting & greeting of Tia can only take but a minute or so, as in long enough to take a photo. I would love nothing more than to see each and everyone’s dog photos or hear your personal story but there would be a lot of pissed off people in line if I did that.
We’ve been to some amazing cities and we’re looking forward to seeing yours and sharing some good times. For a list of upcoming events, go to: